Create User
import authefyWebClient from './path/to/@authefy/web-client';
username - authefy unique username
password - authefy password
email(optional) - user email. If appplication requires email verification,
it will automatically send email verification link which the user will then
click and get verified.
externalId(optional): If the application has different user storage and they want
to use their own custom id, set this externalId.
await authefyWebClient.user.create({
username: 'soaman',
password: 'pisobr',
email: '',
externalId: '61426833-966e-5d7b-a4d9-ac269a7ac579',
details: {
name: 'Kathryn Manning'
// returns: User Object
User Object:
type User {
id: string;
externalId?: string;
username: string;
groups: string[];
isEmailVerified: boolean;
isVerified: boolean;
details: Record<string, any>;
Last updated
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