Read All Users
import authefyNodeClient from './path/to/@authefy/node-client';
filter(optional) - filters the query with selected information
sort(optional) - ASC | DESC sorts the order of the edges
size(optional) - limits the page size
after(optional) - query users after the given cursor
before(optional) - query users before the given cursor
await authefyNodeClient.user.readAll({
filter: {
username: 'kuudahi',
isEmailVerified: true,
isVerified: true,
sort: 'ASC',
size: 5,
after: 'gejtiwzosusivozi',
before: 'mulfikpahfafiwas'
returns: {
edges: { node: User; cursor: string };
endCursor?: string;
totalCount: number;
User Object:
type User {
id: string;
externalId?: string;
username: string;
groups: string[];
isEmailVerified: boolean;
isVerified: boolean;
details: Record<string, any>;
Last updated
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